is one of the most frequently performed ultrasound examinations.

It is a prophylactic examination, preferably every year or every two years.

Localized pain is an indication for this examination
in the abdominal cavity.


The most common reasons for referral for this examination are the suspicion of cholecystolithiasis or biliary tract, suspected liver, pancreatic, renal colic or other kidney diseases, and suspected diseases in the remaining organs of the abdominal cavity.

Symptoms that should prompt the patient to perform an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity are:

-acute or chronic abdominal pain
- palpable abdominal abnormalities
- an increase in the circumference of the abdomen
-weight loss
-loss of appetite
- abdominal trauma

In the abdominal ultrasound, we can assess the condition of organs, their size and structure, and detect irregularities in their structure. We can detect abnormalities such as tumors and cysts. We can detect, for example, kidney stones or gallbladder. You can also detect the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

How to prepare for the test?

1. For 2 days before the examination, it is recommended to take an anti-flatulence agent (e.g. Espumisan, Espoticon, 1 tablet 3 times a day with a meal)
2. On the day preceding the examination, do not eat hard-to-digest or bloating foods
3. On the day of the examination, it is recommended to drink boiled water. You must NOT drink carbonated drinks, a Eat the last meal no later than 6 hours before the test.

The above-mentioned scheme of actions will definitely facilitate the Radiologist's assessment of internal organs

We invite you to the tests every Monday from 16.00-20.00