is a safe and gentle form of manual therapy performed by an osteopath, in which self-healing processes are activated. The physiotherapist listens and, in close cooperation with the patient, eliminates restrictions and disorders in his body. The therapy is based on the theory of the movement of both the bones of the skull and the sacrum and the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid between them. Normal craniosacral rhythm is 6 to 10 cycles per minute. The disease disrupts this rhythm by slowing it down or increasing it.
The therapist influences the mobility of the skull bones and, with the help of delicate manual techniques, removes the distortions between them. With the help of gentle touch, compression and traction, the therapist restores the proper flow of body fluids. Each trauma, injury or accident leaves a trace in the patient's body, causing restriction in the connective tissue. In young children, it may be, for example, difficult childbirth or being wrapped in an umbilical cord. TCK therapy helps to find these places and improve or change the flow in tissues that have experienced this trauma.
For which conditions is craniosacral therapy used?
- headaches and dizziness
- pain in the spine and peripheral joints
- pain in the temporomandibular joints
- ailments from the central nervous system
- tinnitus and middle ear problems
- dyslexia
- perinatal injuries
- digestive problems
- conditions after injuries
- scoliosis
- colic in children
- premenstrual syndromes
- hyperactivity in children
- neuroses
- depressions
- tics
- stutter
- pains without specific reasons - the so-called psychosomatic complaints
What are the contraindications for using the method?
- acute meningitis
- unhealed wounds of the skull
- tumors that occur in the skull
- aneurysms
- ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in the initial stage
- ventricular hydrocephalus
- acute inflammation
- high temperature
- mental disorders
- fresh orthopedic injuries up to 48 hours
- medulla hernia