Manual therapy, i.e. treating the structures of the spine and peripheral joints with the hands of a therapist in order to reduce pain, has been used for a long time. It is the most natural way of bringing relief to one person's suffering with the hands of another person, and as centuries ago, manual therapy remains one of the few areas where the therapist has direct contact with the patient, and treatment takes place without the use of pharmacological agents, complicated apparatus or also a surgical knife.

Manual therapy deals with the examination and treatment of the so-called functional disorders in the musculoskeletal system and determining the causes that could lead to them. The main activity of manual therapy is the detection and removal of movement deficits (functional barriers) in relation to the mobility of the spine joints, intervertebral disc, peripheral joints, and the mobility of soft tissues related to the motor organ: skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia, ligaments, joint capsules, tendons, especially muscles. The treatment and relief of pain ailments is, in a way, a consequence of restoring normal functions of the musculoskeletal system. At Vratislvia Medica, our experienced team of physiotherapists uses methods and techniques according to various concepts in their daily work with the patient, contributing to the improvement of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system, but also to the regression of symptoms. The best known methods of manual therapy include: the concept of Ackermann, Hartman, Mulligan, Kaltenborn-Evjenth or Levitt and the fascial distortion model FDM (Typaldos) manipulation.

In which conditions is manual therapy used?

What are the contraindications for using the method?