NZOZ CORPOMED conducts outpatient rehabilitation under the contract with the National Health Fund.
CORPOMED Centrum Rehabilitacji Miłosna
ul. J.Pawła II 218,05-077 Warszawa-Wesoła
Tel.: 22 773 00 27
Registration form: CLICK
Treatments are performed daily from Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. *
The scope of services provided under the contract with the National Health Fund includes the following treatments:
- Plating
- Electrostimulation
- Tonolysis
- Diadynamic currents
- Interferential currents
- TENS currents
- TRAEBERT currents
- KOTZ currents
- Local ultrasound
- Ultaphonophoresis
- Pulsed low frequency magnetic field
- Pole magnetyczne wysokiej częstotliwości (Diatermia krótkofalowa)
- Laser therapy
- High-frequency magnetic field (short-wave diathermy)
- Local cryotherapy
- Irradiation with IR rays - Solux
- Active exercises with unload and active exercises with resistance
- Active free and active exercises with resistance
- Isometric exercises
- Individual exercises (30 min)
- Supported exercises
Admission to ABULATORY PHYSIOTHERAPY treatments step by step:
- The basis for registration for physiotherapy treatments is a current (not older than 30 days) and valid referral for outpatient rehbiltment issued by a physician of the appropriate clinic (primary care, rthopedic, neurological, surgical, rehabilitation, etc.) from an institution having an agreement with the National Health Fund
A referral for outpatient rehabilitation should include:
- the header stamp of the clinic issuing the referral along with the number
contracts with the National Health Fund - registration book number and departmental codes V, VII, VIII
- name, surname, address of the patient and their PESEL number
- recognition (diagnosis) in Polish
- disease entity code according to the ICD classification - 10
- stamp and signature of the doctor issuing the referral
- You can only sign up for physiotherapy treatments in person at the CORPOMED clinic
- After verification of referral for treatments, the registration employee sets a date convenient for the patient.
NOTE: the original of the referral remains in the clinic's documentation
- Confirmation of registration for treatments is an information card issued by NZOZ CORPOMED and provided to the Patient, containing the date of starting the treatments and specifying the rules for the implementation of treatments.
* NZOZ CORPOMED does not give statutory holidays.
** NZOZ CORPOMED will not register a referral if at the same time the Patient receives treatments for the National Health Fund in another clinic
1. When using physiotherapeutic treatments in our facility refunded by the National Health Fund, it is not allowed to use such treatments in another facility at the same time.
2. Patients are obliged to observe cleanliness and personal hygiene (especially the area of the body subjected to treatments should be clean and degreased).
3. Please come to the treatments a few minutes before the agreed time to be ready for the treatment at the right moment.
4. We take a towel or a disposable sheet for treatments (you can also buy them at the reception for PLN 5) and change of shoes (slippers, slippers).
5. Failure to report for treatments on the first day without prior notification of this fact results in deletion from the treatment list.
6. Gases for electrotherapy treatments as well as drugs for ion-phonophoresis are brought by the patient and taken after the treatment.
7. Changing the planned treatments is possible only in exceptional situations (illness - medical certificate) after prior notification of this fact personally, by
8. The amount of PLN 30 (thirty PLN) is charged for a lost or damaged key from the cabinet.
9. NZOZ CORPOMED is not responsible for left items (including e.g. phones, tablets, computers, wallets or other valuable items)
1. On the first day of treatments, we report to the designated gym or physical therapy room (a few minutes earlier) with a referral or an annotation about the planned treatments
2. In the following days, please arrive a few minutes before the procedure. ATTENTION! Being late for treatments may result in waiting for the next free treatment moment up to 20 minutes
3. Please wear an outfit that allows for quick access to the areas of the body to be treated.
a) kinesiotherapy: gymnastic / sports outfit (short-sleeved T-shirt or sweatshirt, sweatpants or short pants and clean, changed cotton socks)
b) physical therapy: the place on the body prepared for physical therapy should be clean, dry, without any creams, gels, etc. applied, · laser therapy: people with excessive hair should depilate the place where the procedure will be performed.
1. Please report to therapists the fact of having a pacemaker or metal implants.
2. Patients using physical treatments for your safety are asked to leave electronic devices (cards, telephones, tablets, etc.) in the cloakroom. Their activation may affect the operation of rehabilitation devices.
1. The ordering physician makes the decision on the number of treatments, their duration and the sequence; if there are no specific recommendations, the therapist decides about them; the rehabilitator may also make changes to the treatment program for a given patient in consultation with the ordering physician, and inform the patient about any changes in detail.
2. Please trust the experience and knowledge of the therapist and follow his instructions.
3. Please report any complaints and pain that arise during the procedure to the physiotherapist immediately.
4. The rehabilitator has the right and obligation to stop the procedure and recommend another medical consultation in the event of negative symptoms arising from the patient during the procedure (eg allergy to electricity or medication).
5. Please keep silence during the treatments. Loud conversations with patients and on the phone, in the office and in the waiting room, disturb patients during rehabilitation.
6. The patient must not turn off, turn on and adjust the rehabilitation devices independently.
1. A rest of at least 10 minutes is recommended.