ul. Jana Pawła II 218
05-077 Warszawa Wesoła
os. Stara Miłosna
ul. Wspólna 2c lok.12
05-075 Warszawa-Wesoła
Manual therapist
Coordinator of the CORPOMED Wesoła facility. Master of Physiotherapy
A graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, a Wellness Instructor and a master Bowen method therapist (Bowtech).
He deals with modern diagnostics and treatment of soft tissues, especially in orthopedic rehabilitation of adults, after surgery and with chronic pain.
He approaches each patient individually, using specialized methods acquired during various trainings and courses. Her domain is holistic treatment, because the body is a whole and each dysfunction is preceded by a cause and effect relationship, which is why in her work she uses both typically medical techniques and unconventional therapies.
She is very passionate about her profession, constantly expanding her knowledge and sharing it by conducting clinical classes with students.
Privately, he likes to spend his time actively, cycling or hiking in the mountains. And in his free time he plays instruments such as saxophone and keyboard.
-Comprehensive approach to the treatment of temporomandibular joints, skull and throat (2023)
-Application of fascial techniques in pediatrics (2023)
-Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of soft tissues according to Dr. Ciechomski (2018-2022)
-Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia (2018-2022)
-Kinesio Taping KT1&KT2 (2020)
-PNF Basic (2018)
Manual therapy, stabilizing exercises, post-traumatic rehabilitation, physiotherapy consultations
Wesoła Rehabilitation Center
ul. Wspólna 2c, 05-075 Warszawa-Wesoła
Tel.: 22 760 06 92
ul. Jana Pawła II 218
05-077 Warszawa Wesoła
os. Stara Miłosna
ul. Wspólna 2c lok.12
05-075 Warszawa-Wesoła
Pon.-Pt. 8:00 - 20:00
Pon.-Pt. 8:00 - 20:00
Sob. 9:00 - 14:00